The Wise Well Woman's Way


September is National Recovery Month

For those who don’t know…September is National Recovery Month. And what does that mean? Year after year, National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month, witness tremendous success and commitment from people and organizations across the country. For more than 20 years, the campaign has joined together millions of people to celebrate recovery …

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A New Year Post from my Inner Circle Guest: Dr. Elinor Robin

I am so grateful to be surrounded and supported by amazing women I call my “inner circle”. If you’ve tuned in to the Wise Well Women’s Expert Teleseries, then you’ve had the chance to be connected, too. Among the “wisest” of the bunch is my dear friend Dr. Elinor Robin, who’s knowledge, understanding, and skill …

A New Year Post from my Inner Circle Guest: Dr. Elinor Robin Read More »

A Question of Faith

Have you ever tried to put into words the answer to the question, “What or who is God?” In every corner of the world, there’s one question that can never be definitively answered, yet stirs up equal parts passion, curiosity, self-reflection, and often wild imagination: What is God? Filmmaker Peter Rodger explores this profound, age-old …

A Question of Faith Read More »

Building Courage so I can be Brave Enough to Push to the Other Side of Fear

Today I received this great article in my inbox, from Christine Kane, publisher of “LiveCreative” ezine, musician and creativity consultant. I just had to share it. I’d been avoiding writing a post for a little while, because every time I sat down to write, all I could think about was FEAR. You’ve heard me talk …

Building Courage so I can be Brave Enough to Push to the Other Side of Fear Read More »