I want more joy in my life! Don’t you?
Remarkable, public-facing women like Oprah and Elizabeth Gilbert, invite me to access my power to choose and to find more joy. They invite me to consider the possibility that I am an energetic, connected, vibrational being filled with the potential to create magic!
Today I read:
“Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.” – Oprah
“The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
What glorious adventures we are travelling!
The mystery and magic of it all is mesmerizing me these days.
Eyes wide open I see with a spectacular sense of wonder and joy.
I giggle more. Yes, giggle. Like a little girl.
I’ve learned that joy is that elusive emotion I want more of in my life. Joy and appreciation and freedom and love.
Can I have more of those, please?
I ask each day. “What energy space and consciousness can my body and I be to be more love, more joy, more appreciation and more freedom each day?”
With that question, I open myself up to the possibility of it all.
And, all is well.
I’ve also learned that these emotions sit at the top of The Emotional Guidance Scale, a scale that includes 22 other emotional expressions!

Fear, grief, depression, despair and powerlessness sit at the bottom. Somewhere near the middle is overwhelm and frustration.
For years, I lived in the middle – overwhelm and frustration were my status quo. I’ve learned that I can think and speak those into being, too, when I’m not deliberate with my intentions.
Instead, I choose joy. I choose love. What beautiful jewels I’ve found!
My thoughts and words all make a difference in how I experience my life. How I experience my life creates my life.
“Just like when you set your radio tuner on 98.6, you can’t hear what’s being broadcast on 101 FM: Your frequencies have to sync up. So, the frequency of your desire and the frequency of your day-to-day thought about your desire have to be on the same vibrational wavelength. And how do you know when it is? It feels good to think about it.” — Abraham Hicks
How do I know when I’m on the same vibrational wavelength as my desire for more joy?
I’m giggling and smiling.
Often now, people stop me and ask, “How is it that you are smiling all the time?!”
That wasn’t always true. My morning journaling practice led me here. This is where I uncover my buried treasure.
My practice supports me to consciously choose my next thoughts and actions, and to gently invite the old patterns I don’t want to move through me so they don’t stay stuck on replay.
I didn’t establish this morning practice without support, nor maintain it without deliberate intention and attention.
If you’re interested and want to learn how to bring more joy into your days so that you create your best life, I’m here to provide guided support.
That support comes in all shapes and sizes- customized for you. The first step in finding out more is to begin a dialogue with me one-on-one. You can keep trying to go it alone… or, you can “Phone a Friend”, as they say in the game-show world.
Message me via email: nanette@wisewellwomen.com. Or jump right in and schedule a Clarity + Discovery Session, complimentary. Use my scheduler HERE.

And if you’re not ready to consider support yet, start with a morning writing practice. Choose to activate positive vibrations through your daily rituals. Write a little bit every morning and more ease will come your way. With more ease comes more joy!
May your days be filled with wonder and joy!
Much love,