The Wise Well Woman's Way

Guest Post: 5 Ways to Live a Healthier Life

Much is being said lately about the value of mindset and emotional well-being, combined with healthy eating, as a contributor to women’s overall health, so when Debra contacted me offering to provide an article about getting healthy for the Wise Well Women community I was pleased to say “yes”.  By definition, The Wise Well Woman is focused on her overall well-being, and her wellness depends on this delicate balance of physical, mental, spiritual and financial health.

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Guest Post: 5 Ways to Live a Healthier Life

   by Debra Johnson

When the topic of living a healthy lifestyle comes up it’s usually in conjunction with eating balanced, colorful meals full of nutrients and getting regular exercise throughout the week. And while these are both key factors in leading a healthier life, a lot of being healthy is also based on your mindset and your emotional well-being. To truly embody a healthier lifestyle don’t rely on diet and exercise alone; you should also engage in these five things:

    • Prioritize your commitments. We have a tendency to pile on new commitments to the point that we’re stretched so thin that stress becomes not just a feeling that comes and goes, but a regular state of mind. Learn to say no when taking on another commitment is just going to leave you feeling harried instead of fulfilled.
    • Avoid people who tell you that you’ll never reach your dreams. Typically people associate break-ups with something that happens with a boyfriend or girlfriend that you are no longer compatible with, however, you can also break up with friends if they’re becoming a toxic addition to your life. Your friends should be the people that lift you up and encourage you to constantly keep striving for more. People that are consistently bringing you down and telling you that you’ll never achieve your goals are usually unfulfilled in their own lives and seeking to bring others down as well. Let them go.
    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day – Aside from the regular diet and exercise spiel, it can’t be stressed enough that you should drink plenty of water throughout the day.  Trade sodas and sugary juices or coffees for water, and if you’re having an alcoholic drink follow each one with a glass of water. The result will be that you feel more energized and revitalized, you’ll be more focused, and your hair, skin, and nails will all be healthier.
    • Spend time outside every day – Now that working in an office for 8+ hours a day has become the norm people rarely spend enough time outdoors. Make it a point to get outside for 15-20 minutes a day, even if it’s just to enjoy your morning cup of coffee or to take a short lunchtime walk. We need to be able to unplug and get fresh air and enjoy nature every day, and until you prioritize it’s unlikely that you’ll ever accomplish it.
  • Make time for your hobbies – All work and no play can be hazardous to our health. Doing things that we truly enjoy helps us release stress and have a more balanced, healthier outlook on life. Life is too short to avoid engaging in hobbies that we love.

While diet and exercise are a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, they aren’t the only component. To truly live a healthy life your mindset has to be a healthy one as well. Once it is you’ll find that you’re happier and healthier all around.

About the Author:

This guest post is contributed by Debra Johnson, blog, and editor of nanny payroll.

She welcomes your comments at her email Id: – jdebra84 @

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