Journaling for Self-discovery
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Our Favorite Blog Posts on Journaling
Allow Yourself to Write What Comes to Mind One of my favorite journaling and idea-generating activities is known as a Brain Dump. I first heard about the technique years ago in David Allen’s book, Get Things Done. It’s a straightforward journaling technique based on the notion that we can capture ideas by simply allowing ourselves […]
Preparing for the New Year As you begin the new year, the prospect of change may loom large and scary. Some of the changes you face may be outside of your control, and some may not be. Whatever your story is, opening the door to new possibilities always requires taking a step in a new […]
Preparing my first newsletter in 2009, I was inspired by my mastermind group. In the voices of some members, I heard the same anxious and stressed tone that was such a familiar pattern for me… I admit it — I am a recovering stress and adrenaline junkie. And, here’s what I know for sure as […]