The Wise Well Woman's Way

Woman with Arms Outstetched

The Period of Achievement… Not Doing Any More.

From The Art of Trust, by Lee Jampolsky Ph.D., based on principles found in A Course in Miracles, I found this passage in my morning reading. What a perfect compliment to the baby steps philosophy!


This period is an unusual one: it is not marked by any task or by our having to do anything more. It is more a state of mind, a final mental outlook, an unwavering attitude in which we rest. The period of achievement should not be seen as static or an end, for it holds the potential for endless depth and growth.

For so long my mind was a tornado of confusion.

Now all fragmentation begins to end.

For so long it seemed that there were so many different lessons to learn, now all learning is consolidated.

My faith was once like reluctant shadows in a shaded corner, difficult to count on, fearful, and easy to overlook.

Now my little steps have become giant strides and solid gains.

Turning inward is natural, fear is distant.

Hiding who I am is but an old habit that has been outgrown.

I would not want to hide even if I could.

The consistency of thought more readily travels with me, where once my mind moved in dark isolation from one illusion to another.

The way now is not without obstacles, yet the path is clear for me to follow and I trust my steps.

Tranquility has tamed my anger.

When tranquility arrives, who would seek to exchange it for something else?

What can be more desirable than this?

So, I ask again… what can be more desirable than this?

The period of achievement comes not after doing more, but rather, after settling into the practice of asking for guidance and listening to and trusting the answers. I encourage you to begin to practice listening for the voice of your Inner Wisdom.

Yes, when you ask, listen and trust, you can turn your little steps into giant strides and solid gains.

If you’re ready to fully embrace the baby steps philosophy by asking for support, then join a select group of  Wise Well Women who are achieving great things by simply scheduling a complimentary Discovery and Clarity Session with me, Nanette Saylor. Send me an email saying “I’m ready to turn my little steps into giant strides” and I’ll ensure that you receive the first open time slot held just for women like you who are ready to listen and to trust your Inner Wisdom.

Don’t delay. Your period of achievement begins today.

I wish for you everything you dream, and more!

P.S. Don’t let the tornado of confusion get in your way. Schedule your f.ree Discovery & Clarity Session and ask any questions you’d like.

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