The Wise Well Woman's Way

Celebrate Your Success, Now!

Over the years, once the midway point of the calendar year passed, I would begin to consider where I was relative to where I thought I’d be, both in my life and business. And true to old habit, the first thought to come to mind was all that I hadn’t accomplished. Thankfully, a few years ago, before I could dwell on that self-defeating notion, I was distracted by an email I received from Jon Gordon, author of the Positive Business Manifesto. In the email, he highlighted the story of the success of Bart Connors, Olympic gymnast. I remember it always.

Bart Connors had suffered a significant injury just 9 months prior to the Olympics, and yet he came back to win 2 Gold Medals. When he was asked how he did it, he thanked his parents. Why? Not just because “everyone does”, but because they had taught him he was a success every day of his life.

Beginning at a very young age, they simply put into practice the daily ritual of acknowledging Bart’s successes. Every night before bed, Bart’s parents would ask him what his success was. And as he tells it, “So, I went to bed a success every night of my life. I woke up every morning a success. When I was injured before the Olympics, I knew I was going to make it back because I was a success every day of my life.”

It’s so simple, and yet so powerful!

“Success is a journey, not a destination”, says Ben Sweetland, an inspirational writer.

Lately, it seems everyone is still struggling to find something positive to think and talk about. And even in my circle of enlightened, heart-centered, energy-focused friends, there’s still concern over why things don’t always seem to be improving at the rate we expect. So, we beat ourselves up.

It’s a common thread on discussion boards and studies that women tend to not give themselves enough credit. We are the life givers, the caregivers; the ones who can do it all, right? And when we can’t and don’t we just beat ourselves up, over and over again.

When was the last time you gave yourself credit for an accomplishment without adding a little jab in at the end? The conversation with you sounds something like this, doesn’t it?

“Wow, I finally got that project done, and it looks pretty good. BUT, if I’d only focused a little more it would have been great. Next time, I’ll be sure to work harder to get it right”.

Sound familiar? Why is it that we can’t even stay with the thought of celebration for a minute, without criticizing ourselves?

I call it “Chronic I’m Not Good Enough Syndrome”, and if you’re a sufferer, like me, then it’s time to re-write the script! For too many years I repeated “I just can’t do it” over and over in my head. Where that came from, and why that was, is not my focus anymore, frankly. Now, I choose to know that “I can” and I tell myself that every day.

How do you do it? Simple. Just like Bart Connors did with practice and celebration rituals. Tony Schwartz and Jim Lehr wrote, in The Power of Full Engagement, that to change habits, we should use positive rituals. Thanks to the power of Bart’s story, I’m adding a nightly “success” entry to my journaling ritual.

Affirmations work, too. I read at least one out loud every day. My favorite: I am enough. For more suggestions, visit, or write your own.

And then, I’m going to celebrate! My celebration can simply be sharing my accomplishment with supporters in a quick email or phone call. “Just wanted to share my success with you. Today I _________________”. The celebration doesn’t have to be a party, or food, or a prize or an expensive gift.

Use your senses to make the ritual rich. One woman, I read about painted and bedazzled a smooth stone she holds that reads “You ROCK!”. Honor yourself by making your favorite bedtime tea or lighting a scented candle. Use music to raise your energy the song “Celebrate” comes to mind. I know it’s “cheesy”, but it works for me! Create your own symbol of celebration.

Celebrate with joy and do it daily! That’s the hardest part. To make this positive ritual a practice that changes your defeating self-talk forever, you have to establish new programming and language as a habit. And to do that you must celebrate your success every day for 3 – 4 weeks.

Are you with me?

What’s your success today? And how will you celebrate?

I invite you to share your successes with me on my Facebook page, at
Or, comment here on my blog.

Today, and every day, I celebrate your courage! (And mine, too!)

In the spirit of wisdom, wellness, and prosperity-

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